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OPEN - Mon to Sat 9am to 5pm, Sun & holidays 10am to 5pm

Bustling Rainforest Tropical Indoor Planter

Rainforest Inspired Indoor Planter

It's easy to add some greenery and lush indoor tropical plants to your urban home with this indoor planter. Giant ferns, foliage and colour create a rainforest look for the bustling city.

We've chosen a wide variety of indoor plants, adding in different heights, widths, shades of green and textures for an eye-popping display. We finished this cement pot design with decorative stones and natural drift wood pieces for a west coast feeling!

Of course feel free to change it up with your own favourites, but here's our list:

  • Dracaena Marginata
  • Adiantum 'Five Fingered Fern'
  • Coffea 'Coffee Plant'
  • Sperengerii 'Meyerii'
  • Asplenium 'Birds Nest'
  • Peperomia 'Metalica'
  • Peperomia Rubella
  • Selaginella
  • Asparagus Plumosus
  • Asplenium 'Crispy'

Get the ingredients for this indoor planter by clicking on the image below, then right clicking to save or print.



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