Your Staghorn Fern
How to keep this unique fern happy and healthy? Find out below!

Staghorn ferns have two kinds of fronds. The foliar fronds are the long, bright-green fronds that grow in an often arch-like curve. The basal fronds are the round shield-like ones that grow in layers and protect the roots and rhizome.
In the wild, staghorns are epiphytes and attach themselves to trees to grow. They get their moisture from rain, humitidy and dew absorbed by their foliar fronds and roots. You can grow your own staghorn either mounted to wood and other objects or in well-draining soil.

Watering Your Staghorn Fern
If you grow your fern attached to wood or mounted to another object, then it will need daily mistings in order to absorb enough water through its fronds and roots.
If your Staghorn is potted in soil, make sure it is well-draining and that your pot has drainage holes in the bottom. Let your staghorn dry out between waterings and never let it sit in soggy soil!
Light for Your Staghorn Fern
A staghorn is used to being under canopies of trees, so bright indirect or filtered light is best. Don't let it sit directly in sun rays or its delicate fronds will get scorched.

Other Care Tips
Fertilize your staghorn fern monthly during the growing season. Always mist your plant as much as possible, even if it is growing in a pot. Don't cut back the round, foliar fronds or you can cause the plant trauma or infection.
Staghorn ferns are a gorgeous addition to your house plant collection. They look amazing on tall shelves or in hanging pots, so that the long fronds can hang gracefully and be admired.