Choosing colours to use in your container gardens sounds easy until you head to the garden centre and get lost in the rainbow of hues on display! Suddenly you start grabbing plants left and right, flowers that catch your eye are flying through the air, and before you know it you have a cart heaped with foliage and blooms that don't resemble the careful palettes and colour pairings you've been looking at all week on Pinterest!
Take a deep breath and relax, we've got you covered! Not only have we put together four solid colour combinations for you to get inspired by, but we also included easy print or screenshot shopping lists to keep you on track when those tables full of annuals catch your eye!
Pink + White Colour Pairing
Our first colour combination for you is a simple pink and white mix. There are so many different hues of pink, from soft pastel to bright fuschia, but they all pair well with white. We've mixed it up a bit in this collection to give you a broad spectrum of pink blooms as well as pink foliage with the coleus we've added!
When planning a pot of different plants, get two or more of each to create a solid display. You can grab three to four of your very favourite plant in this mix, as a way to make it really stand out.

Save the list above for easy shopping and planting!
Our Picks
Here are our favourite pink and white blooms for a beautiful patio planter this Spring!
- Begonia - First Kiss
- Coleus - Heart Breaker
- Geranium - White Splash
- Calibrachoa - Aloha Tiki Soft Pink
- Petunia - Pink Sky
- Bacopa - White
Purple + Green Colour Pairing
At first you might ask, 'Why choose green? Isn't most foliage green anyways?' True, but we wanted to highlight using different shades of green to compliment your purple blooms. From the dark green bacopa leaves, to the bright lime Ipomoea, don't rule out using full foliage plants as a way to boost the bold colours in your planters!

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Our Picks
Here are our favourite pink and white blooms for a beautiful patio planter this Spring!
- Dahlia -purple or white
- Bacopa - white
- Ipomoea - lime or purple
- Coleus - lime or purple
- African Daisy - purple or white
- Petunia - purple or white
Red, Yellow + Orange Colour Pairing
Wow! There's no denying the bright statement that these colours make together, and there's no end of choices when you put together a patio planter with these hues. We put a big helping of coleus in our design because the flaming orange and lime colours really catch your eye and also don't require any deadheading all season long. The tall and dark colocasia adds contrast and drama to your planter.

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Our Picks
- Zonal geranium - red
- Calibrachoa - Aloha Kona Yellow
- Calibrachoa - Dark Red
- Bacopa - white
- Juncus - Twisted Arrows
- Fiber Optic Grass
- Coleus - upright + trailing varieties
- Ipomoea - Margeurite Trailing
- Muehlenbeckia Wire Vine
- Lysimachia - Goldilocks
- Canna Cannova - Bronze Orange
- Dahlia - Orange
- Colocasia
Watch Jason put together this fiery planter in the DIY video below!
Save the list above for easy shopping and planting!
Purple, Blue + White Colour Pairings
Although most 'blue' flowers end up leaning toward the purple spectrum, we love the blooms with a touch of blue in them! Put together this design for a low patio planter with plenty of pizzaz all Spring long!
Our Picks
- Lysimachia
- Purple fountain grass
- Blue bacopa
- Purple verbena
- Pink calibrachoa
Save the list above for easy shopping and planting!
Have you come up with your own perfect colour paintings for patio planters? Make sure to jot the names of the plants down and take some pics so that you can recreate it next year!
You can also save the plant info tags after you pot them up, for a handy reference in which plants you used and how to care for them. Have fun mixing and matching your foliage and flowers for beautiful colour all Spring and Summer long!