White Spring Planter
We're excited about spring in the garden and celebrating with a beautiful white (and lilac) planter basket for the patio or balcony! Welcome guests with a beautiful white flower planter on your front stoop. (Especially as Easter draws near.)
Jason uses a variety of white and lilac blooms as well as foliage to create this gorgeous pastel planter. He creates height in the back of the planter and then adds in shorter plants near the front, a cascading effect that shows off all the blooms! To add a bit more height and some interest, Jason adds cut pussy willow stems. You can also add in other stems, branches and faux or dried foliage to your planter.
For this spring planter, Jason uses the following: (feel free to improvise with your own favourites!)
- Alberta Spruce (mini)
- hydrangeas
- tulips
- ranunculus
- pansies
- daffodils
- muscari
- primula
- pussy willow stems