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OPEN - Mon to Sat 9am to 5pm, Sun & holidays 10am to 5pm

Create a Fiery Patio Planter in Oranges + Reds

colour pairing ideas for patio plantersLooking for a bright patio planter full of colourful passion and fiery foliage? This bold container garden is perfect for the patio or front stoop, with a variety of our favourite annuals and perennials in oranges, reds and limes.

Jason loves to mix up his planters with a great selection of foliage and flowering plants with different colours, textures and heights. This helps to create a planter look with interest and excitement.

The taller plants, along with the fiber optic grass, will provide movement and energy to the container garden design. The canna lilies will bloom all summer long while the coleus provides colour with its gorgeous foliage. Feel free to substitute your own favourites in this planter design!

Here are the plants Jason chose for his Fiery + Bright Outdoor Patio Planter.


~Zonal Geranium - Red
~Calibrachoa – Aloha Kona Yellow & Dark Red
~Bacopa – White
~Juncus – Twisted Arrows
~Fiber Optic Grass
~Coleus – Upright (Assorted Varieties) & Trailing (Assorted Varieties)
~Ipomea – Margeurite Trailing
~Muehlenbeckia (Wire Vine)
~Lysimachia – Goldilocks
~Canna Cannova – Bronze Orange
~Dahlia – Orange

colour pairing ideas for patio planters



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