Create A Landscape Planter
Bring your favourite woodland walk to your own yard by incorporating little pieces of nature, together with your favourite spring blooms, into this landscape planter! Use a wide, and slightly shallow, container to create a landscape design with room for accents and inspiration.
Jason starts this design with two tall wood pieces, or driftwood, which act as an anchor for the surrounding plants, adds height, and immediately sets the natural tone for this outdoor landscape planter. Make sure your wood is buried deep enough to give it a strong foundation so that it doesn't topple over. Add your tall plants in the middle area first, like the hellebore and euphorbia. Then you can place your smaller plants in a natural pattern around the landscape planter and surround them with moss and other natural accents.
Jason has used multiples of many of the plants, such as the Japanese sweet flag grass and muscari, to increase their impact and create a more natural looking design.
Here is our ingredients list, but feel free to improvise with your own favourites!
- Euphorbia - Glacier
- Hellebore - Honeyhill Joy
- Deer fern
- Iberis - Candytuft
- Japanese sweet flag grass
- Muscari
- Black mondo grass
- Mulch or wood chips
- Moss
- Forest fungi
- Birch bark
- Larger driftwood or branches