This year it seems like everyone is getting into the fall spirit and looking for creative ways to make their front porch look amazing for the season! But orange jack-o-lanterns and red chrysanthemums aren't the only way to go - there's fantastic choices for the front of the home in many colours and styles that will capture the magic of autumn. This year we got together with Stephanie Jean in Langley, to help her transform the front of her beautiful home into a celebration of fall.
Unloading all the fall plants and decor on a perfect blue-sky fall day got our creative ideas flowing, and we lined the walkway with flowers, foliage and pumpkins. It's a good idea to take a look at what you have to start, so you can evenly distribute the plants throughout the container gardens, and avoid running out prematurely!
PRO TIP: Rather than spread loose soil all over Stephanie's pea gravel walkway, we laid down a large tarp to do the planting on, and keep the mess contained. Drop cloths can be picked up at dollar stores or hardware stores.
Our first step was to assess the current planters that were already in use on the porch. There's no need to throw everything away and start from scratch, often perennials can be incorporated into a new design each season! We refreshed the soil in the pots with organic fertilizer. Sea Soil is our choice for both the garden and pots, you can read more about this fantastic soil addition in our blog post here.
We chose a mix of annuals and perennials to fill these large square containers. The perennials can be mixed with next season's plants, and grow for years. Tall fountain grass creates beautiful height for this design, with carex filling out one of the sides and spilling over the pot.
Other great finds for this design include dark violet heuchera, silver dusty miller and cute violas. Rosemary is a great choice as it adds height, scent, is hardy when it gets cold, and can also be snipped for the kitchen!
We packed these three different sized white statement pots full of fall beauties and combinations, so that all the pots can be grouped together on one side of the porch. Repetition but with different sizes creates interest and impact.
Lots of white blooms and silver foliage are mixed with purple highlights to create a surprising fall look. Black mondo grass, Elijah blue fescue and white cyclamen are some of our favourites for this design! ~Rosemary ~Heuchera ~Asters ~Dusty Miller ~Calacephalus ~Violas ~Pansies ~Ajuga
Click the shopping list then right click to save for printing or keeping on your phone as a handy reminder!

Terra cotta is the perfect container material for fall, with it's weathered and worn look, warm tones, and antiqued colouring. This large terra cotta pot adds character to the patio, especially surrounded by pumpkins! We used our own unique pumpkins, including the lovely jade green Jarrahdale pumpkins! (Also included are polar bear and snow ball white varieties.) Watch our video on how to create this look, then save our handy-dandy shopping list. Just click on the image, then right click to print or save for later.

We experimented with moving pots and pumpkins around on the steps and front porch area until we finally found the best combination that highlighted the gorgeous green and white pumpkins, while also allowing visitors to see all the blooms and grasses.
One of the best parts of this autumn design is the non-traditional fall colour theme! This fall porch celebrates the season with simple green, white and purple. Don't be afraid to step outside the usual autumn ideas when you deck out your own patio for the season! Enjoy sharing the colours and blooms of fall along with natural accents and flourishes that will greet your family and friends all autumn!