A quick guide to caring for your lawn all year long.
Caring for your grass as a living plant (rather than an outdoor shag carpet) can take a bit of planning but it all pays off in the end with a lush and green lawn surrounding your home! To help you out we've divided your lawn care activities by month, below.

Time to Lime. This is the month to start thinking about your lawn and taking stock of what kind of condition it's in after winter! Grab a bag of limestone (Dolopril or another favourite brand) and spread it over your lawn in the first or second week of the month. This helps your lawn by creating a neutral PH and allowing it to absorb calcium and iron better.
Overseeding. Add in some density and fill in the bare spots with overseeding! This is when you get to create a beautiful carpet of grass across your yard for everyone in the neighbourhood to envy. Borrow one of our grass spreaders to get an even coating of seeds. Choose a grass seed that is right for your location. Shady, sunny, front yard and back yard...there's many kinds to choose from to make sure it's a success! (Don't mow your lawn for 3-4 weeks after over seeding.)
Patching. Patch up any spots on your lawn that aren't looking lush and full. First; rake away the dead patches to expose the soil without breaking it up and add in a layer of top soil to freshen up the spot. Then, scatter grass seed evenly in the area, blending it into existing grass so that it will look seamless. Water the area with a water breaker or sprinkler to gently give it H2O without creating puddles or washing away your seeds. For even more nutrition, mix your seeds with manure (like our quality bulk manure here at West Coast Gardens) before sprinkling the mixture on your patchy spot—they'll grow at super speeds!
After 2-3 weeks you'll notice your limestone has activated and your grass will be getting greener. Now, it's time to make sure it stays green and lush.
Fertilize your lawn, your grass is getting hungry! Choose a fertilizer with a high nitrogen level to spark some serious growth in your lawn. The first number on your fertilizer bag refers to the nitrogen level. Make sure it's a larger number than the other two.
Start the moss battle. If you know your yard is under constant attack from moss, then this is the month to start fighting the good fight. Use moss killer in the affected areas as a warm-up during April. If you have a lot of moss, then you should dethatch your lawn as well, to completely get rid of it.
Everything is going great...or so you think.
Crab Grass. A common problem we see is crab grass, sneaking up on you and then suddenly taking over the lawn! The trick to crab grass prevention is not to cut your lawn too short. The longer stems of grass provide shade for your soil, and stop the sun from germinating all those crab grass seeds. (Plus it feels pretty good between those toes too!) Leaving that lawn a little longer can also help retain moisture, which means less watering during the hot months!
Relax and enjoy!! But never forget your lawn is a growing plant, and needs you to keep an eye on it!
Fertilize for Summer. We recommend giving your lawn a boost in the summer by fertilizing at the beginning of July. This helps your grass stay strong during the stressful hot months of the year.
We also recommend fertilizing in the fall, to keep your lawn healthy until the spring pops up again! It can give your lawn the extra strength to survive the cold weather.
Now it's time to lay back, barbecue something delicious, and enjoy your healthy, lush, green grass. If you have more in-depth questions you can take a look at our full Spring Lawn Care Bootcare Guide.