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Refreshing your Spring Planter Boxes

Spring Planter Boxes

Now that spring or early summer has arrived, you'll probably want to freshen up some of your spring planter boxes and container gardens with new plants for the season! This can be as simple as removing any spent plants (such as pansies, or bulbs like tulips and daffodils) and replacing them with summer annuals, or you may decide to redesign the entire planter!

Use your trowel to dig beside, and then gently lift out, the plants you want to discard and place them in the compost. Then do the same to the plants that you want to keep in the spring planter box (or move to a different spot in your garden).

Once the plants are out of the planter, you can use your hands to remove any of clumps of roots that remain. Then top up the soil with fresh potting mix. Now you can start replanting and replacing your plants to fill up your spring planter box for the season! Makes sure to give it a good watering afterwards. 

Here's what we used in this white and silver inspired container garden:

  • lavender
  • lamium
  • spreading angelonia
  • dusty miller
  • lobular
  • bacopa
  • verbena
  • salvia
  • petunia

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