Rose bushes in the garden bring to mind the cultured English homestead with wrought iron fencing and gardeners in their Wellies poking about in the rain. However, there are actually 150 species of rose around the world all the way from Alaska to Africa! Mexico, China and the Middle East all have rose bushes in their gardens and have bred their own favourites.
So it's no wonder that we love roses in our own West Coast Gardens as well! Remember, giving your new rose bush the best start it can get is important for its continued health and blooming through the years.
The average rose bush can live to be 35 years old, so we're talking about a lifetime investment! (The oldest known rose bush in the world is 1200 years old and grows in Hildesheim, Germany).
It may seem intimidating, but roses aren't the garden-care-beast they've been made out to be. Keep reading for the best tips on planting your new rose bush!
Planting Your New Rose Bush
Just Add Water
Before taking your rose out of the pot, hydrate it by soaking it thoroughly with water. This helps to keep the roots wet during the transition, and gives the soil more body.
Pick A Perfect Spot
Find the perfect spot for your rose in the garden, taking into consideration its sunlight needs and eventual growth. There are a variety of roses that require everything from shade to full sun, so check the info tag on your new plant. Using a pitchfork or trowel, dig up the soil and loosen it.
This makes it easier to create a hole for your new plant, and then gives the roots less work growing into their new home. Make sure the hole you dig is deep enough to completely cover the roots.
Add Some Nourishment
At the bottom of the hole you've dug, add a few handfuls of manure to create a quick snack for your rose when it's planted. This will give it a growth spurt and start it off strong!
Put it to Bed!
Time to tuck your new rose into the garden bed! Add the soil back into the hole around the roots of your new plant. With your foot, lightly step on the soil to create a firm foundation with no air pockets. The last thing you need to do is add water, to help the roots and soil.
Keeping Your Rose Happy
Here are a few tips for keeping your rose happy in its new home!- Make sure it has enough drainage, as roses hate to have wet feet!
- Fertilize your rose each season with manure, special rose fertilizer or other fertilizers (such as Sea Soil).
- Water at least once a week during spring and summer months. In hot weather you may need to water every two days. In the winter you probably won't need to water at all unless there is a dry period.
- Do not water the leaves, as this can encourage diseases such as mildew, fungus and black spot.
- Check your rose for problems. It's much easier to help keep your rose healthy with regular check-ups on the stems, leaves (front and back) and blooms. Then you can easily talk to your nursery specialists and nip the problem in the bud!
New rose varieties are bred to withstand minimal care and don't need as much pampering. Specialty rose bushes, such as David Austin Roses, are incredibly resistant to pests and disease.
Start out with a healthy rose bush, give it a strong push when you plant it, and continue to care for it through its first season in your garden.
Oh! And don't forget to stop and smell the roses once in a while!