Spa Day At home
Pamper yourself with plants, beautiful decor, and a good book.

SETTING the Scene
Create an inviting space with a restful vibe that speaks to your sense of calm. Plants look content in your favourite pots and add a natural peaceful feeling to your spa setup.
Lighting candles and drawing the blinds leaves you with a timeless experience, where hours and minutes no longer matter, and you can relax in the moment.
Eucalyptus hung over the shower head will revel in the steam and heat, creating a wonderful scent that transports you into a rejuvenating experience.

Bouquets are beautiful—but a few stems of a favourite foliage or bloom can be just as poignant without overwhelming. Keep it simple and sweet.

Plants in the bathroom have long been overlooked. With so many lowlight options, why not create a space where it always feels like spa-day, and fresh foliage wakes you up every morning?
Read about our favourite low-light plants in our blog post here.
Get inspired with a tropical bathroom photoshoot over here.